CS Soft Solutions India Pvt Ltd. Client Dr. Amanda

Hello My Name is Dr. Amanda Commons Treloar. I am a clinical psychologist In Australia. I am Also the creator of mypsydiary new psychologist Applications that has been designed to help monitor and improve a person’s mental health . I used a company called CS Soft Solutions in India. Although I’m here in Australia and there in India, the time difference worked out perfectly for me in terms of I’d finished my clinic during the day when they were available on their work day. And also, the added inclusions of things like Basecamp and skype made it really easy communicate. Their pricing was highly competitive and also everything was done as quoted on original presentation of the applications. The Design team at CS Soft Solutions were fantastic in terms of taking my ideas and my thoughts in terms of what the app should look as well and the ideas that they came up with on the screen have been absolutely fantastic.So, thank you team.

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